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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Go Barney

What a heck of a morning. Trying to get Stuart down for a nap in with Nora running around the place. I got him down and I hear crying several minutes later. Nora had gone in his room and was kissing him. This morning it dawned on me that I should have Nora watch a video while I get Stuart down for his nap. This afternoon that seems to be the ticket. Nora is happy, Mommy is happy and Stuey is sleeping. Thank heavens!!

Today Amy, the photographer who is staying with us, discovered that Nora has a back molar poking through. That would explain the full day of crying Nora did yesterday and lots of drooling. She was just a mess-That can't feel good! :( So this morning I gave her motrin which seemed to hit the spot.

Oh geez. Nora just started crying which woke stuart up. Being a stay at home mom is serious work. Patience, patience, patience. lots of patience. Arghhh.....
