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Friday, August 24, 2007

Dinner at Karen and Jeremy's!

This evening we went to Karen and Jeremys for an event filled, DELICIOUS meal!

Jeremy's friend, Jack, was in town from Portland. He has two kids of his own, so he understands the craziness which can surround little ones!!

The night started off on the beach in front of their house. Patrick taught Nora how to eat the various plants on the beach and Jeremy was giving a try at catching a salmon off the beach.

The wild times began when we headed back to the house for the meal.

Nora was out of sorts, screaming, crying-tired perhaps. Very sad and wanting to be held lots. So patrick and I (and Jack, Karen, and Jeremy) took turns holding Stuey and Nora and doing our best to keep Nora from melting down before the night was over. Jeremy put Nora on his shoulders, Karen danced with Nora and they both held Stuey when Nora needed mom time.

Somewhere in the middle of the evening, it was just a comedy of errors-perhaps it began with Nora toppling off the back of the piano stool she was sitting on...she was fine. Just a bit shaken up. (luckily we didn't need the expertise of the ER doc and nurse in the room....)

Then Patrick backed his chair up into the piano, dinging it. Ouch. I felt really bad about that one. Took a significant chunk out of the piano.

Stuey was burping up over and over again all over their floor (and Jeremy's parents are arriving tomorrow!!).

When I inquired about turning on the ceiling fan for Stuey (he LOVES looking up at ceiling fans), Karen attempted to turn it on, and the light fixture on the light came out, so Jeremy had to pull out the ladder to get it back into place.

When it was time to go at the end of the night, I saw that my keys were locked in the car. The guys discovered one window which was slightly down, and Patrick was able to nudge it further down. I was convinced we'd have to call the locksmith. The task of finding an appropriate object to unlock the car began. Karen and Jeremy didn't have any wire hangers, so Jeremy went under the house to look for something and we tried various kitchen options. Spatula didn't work. Karen suggested the fire poker. At first we dismissed it as being too unflexible, but by golly-it worked! Got the door unlocked. Thank heavens. By that time the kiddos were most definitely ready for bed.

Admist this semi-chaos, we had an amazing meal of salmon, roasted veggies and home made rhubarb strawberry pie by Jeremy. The food was all amazing, as well as the spirt of the night-conversation and good times.

Karen and Jeremy had so many little touches for Nora- They had little gold fish crackers for Nora, a juice box and even a mini Ben and Jerry's on store for Nora for dessert. So sweet! And when Jeremy had made the rhubarb strawberry pie, he crafted an "N" for Nora out of left over pie crust. Such thoughtful touches for Nora.

I told Karen, "hopefully we'll get invited back again before the kids turn 18!!"

I have to remember that these times will indeed pass...and that we won't always have a toddler and baby around. But boy is it hard sometimes!!!


Photo Credits: Taken by Jeremy and Karen
Top: Left to right, Jack, Karen, Patrick, Zoya and Stuey
Middle: Patrick taking Nora outside to help diffuse the screaming
Bottom: Stuey enjoying all of the evenings festivities

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