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Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Double Reflections

Lately Stuey and Nora have been having a lot of fun playing with the 'reflection' special setting on their cameras.  Their favorite effect is split a person in half and create a whole person/dog with 3 eyes etc.  In this way, they come up with some bizarre and often very funny images.

So on Monday when I was walking Tank in Abercrombie I saw that Lake Gertrude was flat calm and that the trees were reflected on the surface.  It struck me that this is 'effect' the special 'reflection' setting was designed to achieve - not the bizarre images the kids have been coming up with.  I also thought, 'what will it look like if I play with reflections on the 'reflection' setting?'

I came up with some pretty weird double reflections - that's what.  Patrick

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