Mark, Justin, Mike, Jim and I just returned from our week long elk hunt on North Afognak. Jim's fishing boat the Alpha Centauri served as our base camp. Too much happened on the trip to go into all the details in just one post - so this will just be a brief recap. More to come later.
Suffice it to say, we got know a large portion of north Afognak intimately (it feels like my hands, at least, made contact with every devil's club and salmonberry bush on the island), harvested two elk, and even camped one night on shore. Glorious views, a few bears, decent weather, and two awful packs out with elk meat (one night we got back in the rain at 2AM to the boat). But the theme of the trip was injuries. By the time we got back to town Jim and I were the only ones not gimping along on one leg. It seems strained knees were the order of the day.
In the top photo we have just returned to the boat with the last load of elk meat (and the horns) off of Steep Cape. In the middle photo Mark admires the view out over Upper Malina Lake. In the bottom photo Mike and Justin cross the valley by Lily Pad Lake. Patrick
Elk in Alaska. I had no idea. What a beautiful place to go hunting. Or just go. Congrats.
Great picture of Malina Lake, Give my regards to Mark.
I wish I could be there
And the elk in Alaska are as big as your average moose from the mainland! The big ones push 1400 pounds. Both of ours were well over 1000 pounds on the hoof. It's shocking when you walk up and see what you got - like having to butcher a horse. Patrick
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