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Monday, March 05, 2007

My Very First Silver - Karluk 1995

My very first silver salmon on a rod and reel. Obviously, I am pretty darn happy. Everybody who moves to Alaska has to have their requisite first salmon picture, and this is mine. Most people just have the taste not to show them to their friends more than 10 years later. God do I look like a goober.

I had actually caught plenty of salmon before this particular silver (starting at Karluk in 1985), but they'd been pink salmon or snagged reds. This was the first fish I could be proud of.

Note the wood planks and posts sticking up out of the beach in the background. These are the structural timbers of prehistoric houses (probably from around 1400 AD). The archaeological site was getting demolished by the river changing course and we were out there to salvage what we could. Since then the entire site has eroded away (including the old cannery and bridge support pylon in the background). Patrick


mpfeffer said...

Is that chest hair Photoshopped?

Zoya, Patrick, Nora and Stuart said...

Actually I 'shopped' for it in a magazine. Hard to find good chest hair. Patrick