Last Saturday was one of the more memorable, special Christmas' we've had in a while. There were gifts of joy in many various forms...presents, time together, skiing and a birth!
The kids woke up at 6 very excited about presents. Santa gave Stuey some of his old toys back...ones that he had lost to the thrift store when he made bad choices. (In our house, toys go to short or extended time outs for bad behavior. It breaks the kids hearts to have this happen!) I kept the time out toys in a special spot for many months with the thought it would be fun for Stuey to get them back from Santa! Stuey was thrilled with the fact that Santa shops at St. Mary's Thrift store!
Stuey had a little line up of cars that he got from grand parents and the big gift for Nora was a little cloth mouse in matchbox-complete with a little pillow and blanet. The matchbox was a bit larger than an ordinary matchbox, but it was small none-the-less. Nora loved it. She played with "mousey" for 2 hours on end, as Stuey played with his new matchbox cars. It was very pleasing to not have piles of plastic toys--they each had their one new item (in Stuey's case, it was several cars in a row) to play with and their hearts were content. Santa brought them dyed play silks and the kids used them as capes and we wrapped them on their heads.
The weather hovered in the low 20's and Patrick and I took turns going for a ski on the Lake at Abercrombie. No one else was on the lake when I went and it took a good 10 minutes for my hands to warm up. The cold wind was biting on my fingertips.
I kept my cell phone close to me all day, as a birth client was in possible prelabor. Page, the midwife, could call any minute and we would need to depart.
As Patrick and I readied the house for dinner in the early afternoon, he predicted, "I bet the mom you're waiting on goes into labor at 3:35." I laughed and said, "Well its possible." Dinner was planned for guests arriving at 3 and dinner at 4. It was good to be frank about the reality that I may have to leave during dinner. This was something we discussed the night before and how it is important work to do.
At 3:15 PM guests started arriving--the midwife I'm assisting with and her husband were also in attendance at the party. They brought a lovely spread of goat cheese, smoked copper river salmon, crackers and jam. Other friends arrived and food was making its way in. At 3:42 the phone rang. Page and I had to leave-the mom we were waiting on was in labor. I changed clothes incredibly quickly and we flew out the door.
At 6:30 PM we were back at the holiday party after a Christmas day birth! The kids were all running around playing and Page and I made plates of food and relaxed.
It was a really a lovely Christmas day! Complete with family time, skiing, dinner and a birth!
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