My weekend trip to Portland went smoothly after I finally left the island...but the class was somewhat of a bust, buzz kill, party foul, etc...whatever you want to call it. Oh well, I move on. The class had WAY too much lecture, not enough lab time.
80% of it was lecture and I thought, "we could've been e-mailed this powerpoint and read it prior to getting here. I don't need to pay money to have someone read a powerpoint to me." I learned that I"m not going to take a class out of state without a prior instructor or course recommendation from a fellow therapist.
Lets face it, I've been royally spoiled with awesome classes the past 10 years. So to have a bad lemon in the mix really isn't the end of the world.
Plus, I got to hang out with Lisa McCormick, which was fabulous!
We shared a hotel room, went to downtown Portland for dinner and had a great chance to catch up without life or kids interrupting us. Just perfect. I was so glad Lisa was there for me to vent to upon arriving back at the room from my class. She was taking an art class in Portland which she truly enjoyed. The getaway was fun.
We went to Powell's Books-omigosh! A Bookstore that is a whole street block! Amazing. I had to peel myself away from the kids book section after finding awesome kids books on deer, spiders, seeds, etc...
This morning, Nora gave Stuey an articulation speech therapy session. I was talking about how we need to get more yogurt. Stuey started saying, "go-eee, go-eee, go-eee" and Nora overheard him say this.
Nora got quite a disapproving look on her face and squatted down at his level and said, "Stuey, its "yo-eee, yo-eee, yo-eee" (thats how NORA says the word Yogurt).
Too funny. Correcting Stuey on how to say Yogurt. Nora can't say yogurt, but she she has always called it "yo-eee, yo-ee, yo-eee".
Before long we'll have Stuey in speech therapy trying to undo his Nora dialect english!!
Photos: self photo of Lisa and I at dinner at Ten 01 in downtown portland.
Me trying to move the sculpture in downtown portland. I succeeded!
The view flying out of Kodiak.
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