Yesterday Zoya and Nora took the ferry to Homer to visit with Grandma, and its just been Stuie, the dogs and me holding down the fort (along with a lot of help from babysitters). It's funny but I've gotten to know Stuie a lot better without Nora and Zoya around. Lots of one on one time, and I've been reading to him a lot more. If Nora was around she would not be happy with that! It has made me realize that Stuie has missed out on some things because he did come along number 2. I still carry Nora for walks in the backpack - but if I try and take Stuie, and Nora is around. ... .. It just would not fly (some serious screaming). Stuie does not seem to mind - he's very laid back. I think he'll be the diplomat of the family. I bet most family diplomats are the second or third born.
In the last few days we have had a serious pineapple express hit Kodiak - rain and warm temperatures. All the snow has melted away down low. But as you can see from the top photo of the summit of Pyramid - we have not lost much snow up high. But in the meantime, the cross country skiing is done. Tomorrow I plan on taking advantage of the ice free roads to take my kayak over to Anton Larsen Bay and go deer hunting. It'll be an hour and a half paddle to get off of the 'road system' and to where I can legally take a deer. Lots of work and it is not very likely that I'll return with a deer. But at least I'll get to go kayaking. And yes I do appreciate good babysitters! I know I'll be coming home to a happy Stuie. Patrick
Photos: Top is the summit of Pyramid appearing during a surprising break in the gloom, wind and rain on a recent quick ski trip (not surprisingly - nobody else seems to be skiing). Bottom - eagles hanging out in the trees near the outlet to Buskin Lake. Lots of silvers spawning in the river below, and the eagles are just waiting for them to die.
You mention salmon - I went on a quest for salmon yesterday and came home empty handed. At one point I had resolved myself to purchasing Atlantic salmon since I couldn't find Alaska salmon but then I read the label that it was FARMED. No way - I'm a wild salmon kinda gal.
I know the time of year is wrong for fresh but I would have been happy with frozen. I wanted to make a piroc (spell?) and needed a whole filet. I'm making lasagna instead :(
It's funny that you mention frozen salmon. This year for the first time we did not freeze fresh salmon for the winter. I canned everything we caught this year. Ate a lot fresh and Zoya and the kids just seems to prefer the canned stuff to the frozen. And it is way more convieniant- no need to plan ahead and thaw the salmon in advance of the meal.
But stay away from the farmed fish! Friends don't let friends eat farmed fish!
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