Our trip East has been a blast. The getting here part was a bit rough, but we survived. Stuey subsisted on 4 hours of sleep in a 31 hour period, which may not seem like a big deal for an adult, but for a 3 year old, it is serious sleep deficiency. Needless to say, there was some body wrestling for about 3 hours in aisle 29 en route from Seattle to Boston. Once at the Avis rental station, Stuey made a dash for the parking lot, tripped and fell on his face. He had a huge bruise on his forehead and his nose was bleeding. Once Stuey was buckled into his seat, he fell right asleep and was eager to play with granny and grandpas trucks upon arrival in Boston.
Since arriving to the East coast, we've gone swimming at a lake, played with toys, walks with the kids and one day took a trip to Boston to go to the aquarium. We rode the T into Boston, which we all enjoyed-especially the kids. They've never been on a train before and loved every minute of it. Once in the city, we all enjoyed lunch at Faneuil Hall, kids went on a quick Merry-go-round round followed by the adventure to the aquarium. What an incredible place-The fishes swimming by scared Stuey some and after some time, He told me "I want to go back to Grandma's house". The whole scene with so many kids must have been slightly overwhelming.
Now we are in Maine and last night enjoyed a wonderful meal at Patrick's sister, Pollys house with her and her husband John and their two kids. Their older son pulled out his large Train set, which Stuey enjoyed every millisecond of. They had 2 electric Thomas trains, which stuey had never seen before.
This afternoon I'm headed to northern maine to see Ella in a handbell choir concert. Can't wait!
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