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Sunday, August 25, 2013

First Day of School-St.Mary's

First Day! I stood inbetween so they wouldn't hit eachother. Sibling love.  
MOST BEAUTIFUL mailbox ever!!
The kids started school last week and the first day couldn't have gone better. The new principal, "Mr. Brian" as he likes to be called, was very friendly and warm to the families as we came through the door. He took time to learn names and walked us to the class rooms. Mr. Brian is a longtime friend and neighbor and I am thrilled to have him  as principal!

Nora's class has 11 students in it-grades 2-5.
Stuey's class has 14- Grades K-1. I love the small class size and one-room school house feel that St. Mary's has.  This year I volunteered to be the volunteer coordinator, which I really look forward to doing. There hasn't been such a position in the school for some time and its much needed. There is  work that needs to be done in increasing student enrollment and ensuring that parents are doing their 25 hours of volunteer time a year.

The mail box outside was recently painted and I couldn't resist taking a picture of it; it reflects the warm feeling  of the school this fall and the attention to aesthetics that I see all over the school campus.  Outside, the playground had been spruced up a bit since last year-old equipment removed and a new slide installed.

At the end of the first day, I didn't get too many details out of the kids about their classes. The typical response is  "Good" when I ask them how their days are. But then details slowly leak out later in the evening- Such as "Mom, there aren't any demerit slips anymore", Nora told me. (This made me happy! Seemed a little strict for such young kids.)

The beginning of the year excitement is contagious. All the possibilities and adventures to be had....


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